Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello!!! Good Afternoon...
My name is Afardhan Putra Fashadani, but you all can call me Afardhan. I live at Bukit Permata Cimahi blok E7 No.4. I was born in Cimahi 15 November 2003, so now I am 15 years old. My hobby is playing futsal.
My favorite food is any seafood. My favorite school subjects are math and science.
Last year I am learning at SMP 1 Cimahi, but now I am studying in SMA 3 Bandung. Why I am decides school in here? I am choose this school because I feel this school is very amazing... In my opinion, my school is not teach only about knowledge, but my school also teach us about good attitude, good character, and etc.
At the first time in SMA 3, I was placed in group 1.
In the group 1, I do many activities, which is a series of plist activities. On the last day of plist, camping was held in Natural Hill, Cisarua, Lembang. We departed from school at 7 o'clock using the public transportation and arrived at 8 o'clock. After that we built a tent for take a rest. After the tent ready, we doing many activities and in the night we light a campfire. The next day, when the event finished, I and my friend ask a permission to go straight home and not go to school first because our house is near there
After the plist activities, now I placed in X-Science 1. I hope I can do the best and I must hard work to achieve my dreams.
Thank you....
Good byeeeeeeeeeeee......
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